Small B School
SMALL B* SCHOOL is an online training center where small businesses and small towns can learn how to start, revive, grow and thrive. Join Small Nationโ€™s nationally recognized leaders in a series of downloadable lessons, videos, workshops and coaching sessions designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills for success.
Small Nation
| SMALL B* SCHOOL | Weโ€™ve learned a lot of lessons over the years. Now weโ€™re taking what we learned and sharing it with all of you.

We believe that small businesses in small towns are the future. We believe it so much in fact, that weโ€™ve dedicated our lives and our livelihoods to making sure they both thrive. SMALL B* SCHOOL will soon be offering online learning programs to help you gain new knowledge and step by step tools for ramping up your small business and your small town. To be notified when SMALL B* SCHOOL launches, be sure to sign up via the form below.

MONTHLY E-SERIES Each month, receive small business entrepreneurial training from Jason Duff and the SMALL NATION Team delivered directly to your inbox. Join us for insider information designed just for monthly members.

Receive the complete HUSTLE HARD Curriculum, in easy to download modules, each with a supporting video by a member of the SMALL NATION Team.

Over 180 pages in all, complete with project worksheets, needs checklists, and sample partnership agreements.

  • Business as an Investment Vehicle
  • Historic Property Benefits
  • Quality Architecture and Design
  • Tenant Recruitment
  • Equity Partnership
  • Financing Others
  • Branding, Marketing & Promotion
| $24 | MONTHLY
HUSTLE HARD CURRICULUM Download eight unique modules that will become your step by step playbook for small town revitalization using our proven HUSTLE HARD approach.

Receive the complete HUSTLE HARD Curriculum, in easy to download modules, each with a supporting video by a member of the SMALL NATION Team.

Over 180 pages in all, complete with project worksheets, needs checklists, and sample partnership agreements.

  • Business as an Investment Vehicle
  • Historic Property Benefits
  • Quality Architecture and Design
  • Tenant Recruitment
  • Equity Partnership
  • Financing Others
  • Branding, Marketing & Promotion
SMALL TOWN INVESTING Learn how investing in small towns and small businesses can bring rewards for everyone involved.

Receive the complete HUSTLE HARD Curriculum, in easy to download modules, each with a supporting video by a member of the SMALL NATION Team.

Over 180 pages in all, complete with project worksheets, needs checklists, and sample partnership agreements.

  • Business as an Investment Vehicle
  • Historic Property Benefits
  • Quality Architecture and Design
  • Tenant Recruitment
  • Equity Partnership
  • Financing Others
  • Branding, Marketing & Promotion
Hustle Hard Wherever You Go
Small B School